We are a team of passionate professionals who strive to deliver exceptional web and mobile applications that transform the digital experience of our clients and their customers



+92 308-9027-818

127 Broadway West Walsall, Birmingham, Uk


t iGen Solutions, we are proud partners with Future Focus Accountants, our sister company dedicated to providing high-quality accounting services in the United Kingdom. Future Focus Accountants has a team of experienced professionals who are committed to helping businesses and individuals manage their finances effectively.

They offer a range of accounting services, including bookkeeping, tax planning, payroll management, and financial reporting. Future Focus Accountants uses the latest technology to ensure accuracy and efficiency in their services, and they work closely with their clients to understand their unique needs and provide tailored solutions.


Yosara Geerlings




March 15, 2019


Medical consultancy

01. Сhallenge

Our team of experienced developers worked closely with Medicorex to understand their requirements and goals. We designed and developed a responsive website that was easy to navigate and provided detailed information about their services.

02. Solutions

To overcome the technical challenges of implementing live sessions and online payment systems, our team at iGen Solutions implemented various measures.
We used OpenTok WebRTC libraries to enable live sessions on the Succeed.world platform, ensuring seamless integration and thorough testing to identify and resolve potential technical issues. Additionally, we implemented a secure payment gateway with various payment options and compliance with relevant regulations, resulting in a seamless and secure experience for users.

03. Results

The implementation of the OpenTok WebRTC libraries and the secure payment gateway has been a game-changer for Succeed.world. With uninterrupted live sessions and a secure payment system, the platform has become a go-to resource for personal coaching. The smooth and reliable operation of the platform has led to increased usage and positive feedback from users.

Moreover, the secure payment system has instilled trust among users, which has resulted in more transactions and increased business growth for Succeed.world. The platform’s seamless user experience and reliable technology have contributed to the platform’s success in providing accessible and effective personal coaching. Overall, the integration of these technologies has made Succeed.world an indispensable resource for individuals seeking professional personal coaching.

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